Guys and Dolls,
While recently cleaning out the basement at Jimmy Max, I came across dozens and dozens of team pictures from the little league teams I've sponsored over the decades.
Remembering my own little league experience, I wanted to once again hang them in my dining room where they once proudly hung. However, many brides to be, or mothers to be wouldn't appreciate that type of décor on the walls of their shower, so what to do???
I've decided to display them, one at a time on our website in an archive, but first I will display them on our Facebook and Instagram pages and ask your help identifying the players in them. Once we have everyone properly identified the picture will hang virtually in perpetuity in the Jimmy Max website archive. If you loved your Little League years as much as I did, (County Garage, Jake Perosi Boys and Zinicola Bakery) then I'm sure you will enjoy this project as well.
Sincerest thanks,