Jimmy Max 280 Watchogue Rd. Staten Island, NY - 718-983-6715 - Open Until 11pm

Jimmy Max Raising Dough™ April 50% Fundraisers

Jimmy Max Raising Dough™ April 50% Fundraisers

50% of the Food Portion of the Bill will be Donated back to the School/Group/Organization. When placing your order mention to the server that you are there for the fundraiser.

4/4 - IS 2 Debate Team
4/9 - PS 68
4/10 - CSI High School
4/11 - Dine Out for Hunger
4/16 - Our Lady of Mt Carmel-St Benedicta School
4/17 - Grace Foundation
4/24 - Boy Scouts Pack & Troop 74
4/25 - Holy Family Columbiettes
4/30 - Line Drive Baseball
5/1 - Petrides Baseball
To learn more about our Jimmy Max Raising Dough™ 50% fundraiser see our web site for details https://jimmymax.com/pages/fundraiser

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