Jimmy Max 280 Watchogue Rd. Staten Island, NY - 718-983-6715 - Open Today 12pm-Midnight / Delivery 12pm-11pm

Good Riddance Day

Re: "Good Riddance Cuomo" Party
So folks I'd like to thank all who came to our "Good Riddance Cuomo" Party whether you contributed in person or online, your generosity totaled $7,610, this is an amount that exceeded my wildest imagination. I converted the cash into a bank check and put it in the mail along with 3 Jimmy Max checks adding up to $7,610 for a grand total of $15,220 Donation to Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Thank you to all of my wonderful, generous and supportive customers. - Jimmy McBratney

Consider supporting the good work Jimmy Max does by donating or sharing with others who'd like to help the Tunnel to Towers Foundation

Not able to make Fundraiser and would like to Donate to Jimmy Max for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation.

Jimmy Max Good Riddance Day

1 comment

  • Awesome idea and such a generous thing to do for T2T. Hope there’s one for DeBlasio, too. Lol.


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