Jimmy Max 280 Watchogue Rd. Staten Island, NY - 718-983-6715 - Open Today 11:30am-Midnight / Delivery 12pm-11pm

Customer Spotlight

Jimmy Max Customer Spotlight Emily 

I'd like you to meet Emily McAlarney. We have known her since preschool where she was enrolled in OLGC with our daughter Kayla McBratney. Well, she is now 21 and having her first beer at Jimmy Max! She is a big fan of Kona and highly recommends it! Emily will graduate in June from Scranton with a degree in Cyber Security. We also love her family!

-Jimmy McBratney-Proprietor

Jimmy Max Restaurant & Bar

280 Watchogue Rd.

Staten Island, NY 10314

Phone 718-983-6715


**We would love to hear more wonderful stories like this from our customers. For a chance to be featured in our Jimmy Max "Customer Spotlight", you can email your testimonials to jimmymaxpizza@gmail.com. We will accept photos, short videos & stories. You also can tag us on Instagram @jimmy_max or Facebook @jimmymaxpizza


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